How we offer a transformative approach.

// case

// Data Driven

Offering Länsförsäkringar a transformative approach, our solutions align with their commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction. Through our ``As-a-Service`` model, products seamlessly integrate with services, delivering comprehensive solutions that adapt to evolving customer needs

Offering Länsförsäkringar a transformative approach, our solutions align with their commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction. Through our “As-a-Service” model, products seamlessly integrate with services, delivering comprehensive solutions that adapt to evolving customer needs. By leveraging data-driven strategies, we elevate Länsförsäkringar’s offerings, transforming smart solutions into intelligent ones.

We apply the following expertise when partnering with Länsförsäkringar:

  • Digital ​Product Design​
  • Service Design​
  • App & Web Development​
  • Software Engineering​
  • Application software​
  • Project Management​
  • Technical Architecture ​


Länsförsäkringar Bank is one of Sweden’s leading financial institutions, offering comprehensive banking services focusing on personal and local connections. As part of the Länsförsäkringar Alliance, the bank benefits from a strong brand and the trust of 3.9 million customers, providing tailored financial solutions through customer-owned regional insurance companies across the country.


Contact us to discover how we can assist you!