The value of a talented project manager

// insights

Leadership, holistic perspective, and conflict management - three essential skills to move a work place forward and attract current and future clients. All according to Erika Carlsson, Project and Team Manager at Knightec.

Personal development

As a project manager at Knightec, you’re constantly developing. I would say that one of our main strengths is that we never stop learning. We work intensely and relentlessly to support and develop each other.

A few years ago I was co-creating the “Project Manager Initiative”, an important part of Knightec. The idea was that every project manager would have support in their personal development plan, have the opportunity to help and coach each other, and share knowledge from different companies and industries. The knowledge bank is constantly replenished as we, parallel to our usual tasks, offer education and leadership to all Knightec project managers in the country. As a client, that means you always get to work with a consultant who is constantly evolving and have been offered further education in their field. Clearly a win-win for both parties.


To me, the key to a successful project is situational communication and a transparent team climate. It will create efficiency, clarity, and cooperation towards a common goal. With transparency, conflicts are also made visible. Personally, I welcome conflicts. It can sound uncomfortable but I think it’s important to dare to highlight and get the conflict out in the open. If you manage a tension correctly, it can bring out the best sides of the project members. And conflicts will appear, maybe especially at Knightec where we constantly seek variations.

I’m absolutely convinced that the best team is a diverse team, with members of different backgrounds and skillsets. With including leadership, a diverse team is more likely to come up with innovative ideas and solutions than a homogeneous team. At Knightec, diversity is a cornerstone, and time after time we prove that this is the way to achieve a better end product. Also, Knightec's overall experience of various clients and industries is extensive. This makes it easier for us to get an overview of our client's organization early on a new assignment. To be humble and curious when facing the complexity of different challenges creates opportunities to succeed in getting all stakeholders to work together towards the same goal.

A unique workplace for project managers

When I look back at my previous workplaces, I find Knightec unique in its positioning and development of project managers. As a client, you can be sure you get a consultant who’s fully committed, knowledgeable, and with a whole organization behind them. That’s why I spend a lot of my working time coaching my employees to learn and grow in their roles. Our approach is always holistic and we constantly aim to create relevant, long-term, and new solutions for each and every client.

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