The value of clients in teams

// insights

Traditionally, consultants work for the client adding value with their expertise and the time they put into the assignment. Today the projects that our consultants and engineers take on, don’t work like that. Now a holistic approach, the ability to cooperate, working towards the same goals, and integrating the client in the process is what matters the most.

Preparation and continuous work on group dynamics and a motivating environment are crucial to creating a team where one plus one can become more than two. Whether it’s concepts, working methods, processes, or goals, you have to create the right tools to make every team member’s goals, the same as the goals of the group.

Cross-functional teams and satellite offices

Satellite offices with cross-functional teams, what is that? And how can it contribute to making groups stronger? It’s partly new concepts where you can see profits of working in ready-made teams, with a mix of competencies and experience. Properly executed, this way of putting teams together will be a win-win relationship for the team members and the client, via shorter start-up, consistent quality, and greater flexibility.
An open and motivating climate creates fellowship, a positive mindset, and a professional attitude with the ability to tackle ever-changing challenges and deliver great results. Will! Dare! Be able to!

Leadership in the teams

Why do some teams work and perform better than others? Is it because the team members are faster and stronger as individuals? Or is it because they have a better concept, organization, system, and a mutual will to perform and win? Through values and attitudes that can be shaped by the leadership of a team, a team can reach much further than the ability and skill of an individual team member. A major advantage within Knightec is a corporate culture where team building, team spirit, and positive core values are promoted.

It takes presence of a leader to build a group, to help and above all coach the younger and new employees to be able to solve tasks by themselves. To create participation and communication is a key factor to make a group grow to be able to face bigger challenges. Another key factor is the common understanding of what it is that makes success for the group and its clients. The ability to work holistically and reevaluate ”truths” to achieve results and business value is also important to create motivation.

The social factor within a group shouldn’t be underestimated either. The dynamics and well-being of a group often benefit from a mix of age, experience, and background. It provides a wider perspective on the tasks at hand that are essential for both results and comfort.


Jörgen Leijon works as an advisor and consultant at Knightec Quality and Management. He has more than 25 years of international experience in major client projects and project management in IT, industry, and transport systems. He currently runs Knightecs Life Science satellite office in Uppsala.

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