Meet Ingrid Berggren

Ingrid works with parts to Connected Car & UX, and her role is Product Owner. This means that she provides and prioritizes work tasks for a team of developers.

-We create applications for a car infotainment system, and my work involves planning and gathering information about the apps we’re about to develop.

-When creating an overview of what we need to develop, I talk to a lot of people. Then I create user stories in a backlog that the developers can use to create the features in the app.

With these assignments and the responsibility that comes with being a product owner, Ingrid believes that she herself has also developed as a consultant.

-In my current role at CEVT, I’ve learned a lot about international cooperation. I’ve also become better at project managing and handling many tasks at the same time.

Ingrid has held several roles within Knightec and is relatively new to what is called Automotive.

-Of course, I need to learn more about the area, and I also want to become better at distributing my time between keeping the team satisfied and busy and trying to stay ahead of new projects that need to be evaluated.

Thanks to her leaders and coworkers, Ingrid feels confident, she says that at Knightec there’s always room for development.

``Knightec is a very pleasant company that takes care of its employees. A bit like a family.``

“If I compare with friends who work for other consultant companies, I would never give up Knightec.”

Meet Belinda Lyddby

“The human is always in focus at Knightec, and that is something you can really feel among your colleagues and leaders.”

Meet Adonai Abraham

“For me, it’s important to find a consultant or a team together with the client, who can solve the client's challenges in the best way possible. Knightec has an advantage in doing that: our diversity.”

Meet Emma Wickberg Wejedal