Dataprata - Helping elderly to stay socially connected

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In a collaboration with digital solutions provider Gibon, our business unit Daresay used their digital and UX expertise to launch a new service to help the elderly keep in touch with their friends and families. With time being a critical factor, we set ourselves the goal of launching an MVP service within two weeks.

After two weeks of intensive work, Dataprata was launched. The new digital service has been specifically designed for those with little or no experience of video calls. It recognizes the available tools on a phone, tablet, or computer and gives instructions on how to create an account and call friends and family.

“To fully understand the users’ needs, we interviewed older people over the phone – a tool that everyone in the age group is very comfortable with,” says David Furendal, Head of Innovation at the Daresay business unit. “We’ve approached the challenge like any other assignment, in that we begin by understanding the users’ needs, then develop concepts, and define a prototype that can be built and launched quickly, and further developed over time. In this instance, we are working to get a product out within a fortnight, so it’s not dissimilar from the Design Sprints we do on a regular basis with clients.”

To learn more about the process and the finished product, head over to Daresay.

Contact us if you are curious about design sprints and what other great services and products we could create together!

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