Recognizing this need for collaboration, we proudly introduce the Knightec Energy Forum—an exclusive space where industry trailblazers come together with fellow creators and engineers to exchange visionary concepts. Undoubtedly, the process of system transformation is complex and resource-intensive. If not executed with strategic intelligence, it risks failing to achieve the positive environmental impact required to meet the ambitious zero-emission targets by 2050. Our monthly sessions span diverse sectors, fostering a comprehensive approach to connecting the dots and establishing a collective understanding essential for progress.
The genesis of this initiative traces back to Andréas Jonsson, an E-mobility Advisor at Knightec, who envisioned the necessity of a collaborative forum after a reflective lunchtime jog. He believed it shouldn’t be limited to managers and project leaders alone but should embrace the very individuals shaping the landscape—the engineers and creators. Acting swiftly, Andréas shared his revelation with Energy Area Driver Karin Hassleström, who wholeheartedly supported and endorsed the idea.
The concept resonated positively across Knightec offices in Sweden, with crucial support from Gothenburg’s Fredrik Björndahl in the E-mobility domain. Ola Löfquist played a pivotal role in shaping the initial structure, working closely with the team. From a modest start of 10 individuals in May 2022, we have grown to a thriving community of 180+ by the close of 2023. Our overarching goal is to facilitate the industry’s transition to sustainable energy systems, focusing primarily on E-mobility and Renewable Energy Distribution.
It all begins with a dialogue! For further insights into the Knightec Energy Forum, please feel free to contact us or message Karin Hasselström or Andréas Jonsson, and they will tell you more.