Karriärföretagen has named Knightec's trainee program one of the top ten in Sweden

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The career companies' ambassador network has voted for the ten most attractive trainee programs among all of Sweden's Career Companies, where Knightec ranks in the top ten of the most attractive trainee programs.

The career companies annually appoint Sweden’s most attractive employers who offer students and young professionals unique career and development opportunities. The career companies’ ambassador network has voted for the ten most attractive trainee programs among all of Sweden’s Career Companies, where Knightec ranks in the top ten of the most attractive trainee programs.

The respondents have been allowed to choose the three trainee programs they experience as the most attractive of all potential programs. The ambassador network consists of active students at all of Sweden’s universities.

A trainee program combines education and employment at a company that you can apply for after graduating from a university or college. Here you will be trained under the company’s auspices and receive a market salary. When the trainee program is over, the role is transferred to a permanent job, and you enter a regular position. During your trainee period, you will receive a combination of practice and theory to gain optimal knowledge of the role and the company. Trainee programs often last between 9 and 24 months.

– We are both proud and happy to be named Career Company, and to also land a top ten position with our trainee program is added value! It is gratifying that students see our program as one of the most attractive. It strengthens our image that we do the right things and invest in tomorrow’s engineers and young students, says Mari Schäder, CHRO at Knightec.

Thomas Reims is this year’s CEO trainee at Knightec. We took the opportunity to ask him why he chose Knightec?

– Knightec has grown a lot lately and is on an exciting growth journey. I was looking for that with an employer. This contributes to it being an exciting workplace where I can quickly accelerate my career.

What do you enjoy most about your role as CEO Trainee?

– The role is both challenging and developing, which I find very rewarding. Dimitris always values ​​my input and ideas, and I have gained a lot of experience that I could not get anywhere else.

Want to know more about Knightec’s trainee program? This year’s application for autumn 2022 is closed and will reopen next fall. Read more here.

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