Lead Agile and make a success of any team

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What makes a good leader? A debated question with no easy answer. Nevertheless, Jolene Tayyar, Regional Manager at Knightec and an appreciated leader shared her views on the art of leadership.

The role of the leader
Jolene has a background in software development, where she worked actively with Agile teams as a ``ScrumMaster``, an Agile project manager. ``When I step into the role of leader, I want to build a leadership style based on an Agile Manifesto. It's more about creating opportunities for your employees than controlling their decision-making process. The team controls all the processes but works towards a jointly defined end goal with several milestones. With the help of constant feedback and evaluation, the group self-regulates its way of working.``

How to apply it
Jolene continues, ``When I build a team or an organization, I try to implant self-organizing and flexible leaders who individually adapt their way of working as the conditions and expectations change, which is the key to success.`` When creating a working environment fit for an Agile approach, Jolene bases her leadership on the following points.

- Don't be afraid to question and change the order of demands,
- Work together as a team,
- Structure activities centred around motivated individuals and provide the right environment and support,
- Trust each other and communicate,
- Create a feedback culture,
- Allow mistakes,
- Reflect and learn from your mistakes and turn them into something positive.

``In my line of work, I cater to clients who want to be at the forefront. They need help with realizing the best solution for the market and society as a whole. Such challenges become more manageable when I have an independent team. They can take the initiative and quickly adapt to new outcomes.`` When leaders create a friendly environment where everyone has room to develop and learn from their mistakes, they become Agile leaders.

Make it work, for you and your team
Knightecs' corporate culture is based on trust and teamwork. By building an Agile culture, one welcomes change in the best way. Are you curious and want to know more about how Knightec works with Agile leadership and how you can apply it in your business?

Get in touch with Jolene Tayyar at Jolene.tayyar@knightec.se

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